Google ranking and AI writing: can they help each other out?
After Google launched RankBrain, some people wondered whether AI would be the next step in search engine optimization, because of its ability to more accurately decipher user intent.
But that’s not how things are playing out at all. In fact, the greatest benefit of AI writing could come from how it helps us with our Google rankings. Here’s why AI can benefit your Google ranking and what you can do to take advantage of this right now.
Can the AI-generated content help with my rankings?
It’s unclear how AI-generated content could help with rankings.
Much of the algorithm is hidden, so there’s no way to say for sure what effects it would have. What is clear, however, is that AI content is a hot trend right now. It’s everywhere you look on the internet.
There are many types of AI-generated content like illustrations, videos, podcasts, images — virtually any type of media imaginable. All things considered, it seems plausible that using some AI generated content may help with SEO in the future.
But until Google comes forward with more information about how its algorithm weighs this type of content against others (versus relying on unproven guesses), we can’t say for sure if AI generated content will help with rankings or not.
What Google think of AI Contents?
AI has the potential to offer an infinite number of insights into what resonates with readers. But if you’re seeking a promotion from Google or trying to optimize your SEO, beware that AI might not be the answer.
Google’s search algorithms are driven by complex calculations, known as RankBrain.
It analyses a website’s content and assigns a relevance score which helps determine whether it will rank high in Google’s search results page — AI, on the other hand, is still developing a system that would even come close to understanding these details of the Web (Wang).
A better idea might be to have human writers write at least part of your content for you; at least then you’ll have more control over what gets posted.
Can I use this technology to create content for me?
There are a number of sites that offer the use of AI to create content for use in website marketing, marketing campaigns, etc. while this could be a time saver, one has to look at the way content created with AI may be perceived. Some think it will have a positive impact while others may not feel as optimistic.
For many, having this technology create content is just not as humanly relatable as would normally be expected which could lead to potential negative effects on your brand.
So if you’re considering this option, you need to weigh the benefits against the possible downsides before making your decision.
Will it save you time? Absolutely. But does that outweigh the possibility of negative impacts on your brand or even search engine rankings? It’s a question only you can answer for yourself but know that there are alternatives to using artificial intelligence when looking for assistance in creating content.
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Why few people using it?
One of the main reasons few people use AI writing is because it’s hard to find in many places. Google Docs’ built-in word processor, which allows users to edit directly from a browser, does not have an automated editor available.
This is a problem for those who rely on their browser instead of using Google Drive or Word because it means the user must select Paste as text in order to get the program’s basic editing features, but even this method does not produce an artificial sentence every time.
Another way that Google could make it easier for people to use AI words would be to simply add them as an option when downloading/sharing documents — where one might find grammar correction or synonyms options for example.
These changes may take some time to implement, but Google has been making strides toward implementing AI tools into its services.
The company has also added voice commands to its Gboard app and announced plans for offline language translations on YouTube. We will have to wait and see what steps are taken next.
Recently, Google released a new method of judging search engine rankings by incorporating artificial intelligence to judge content quality. Artificial intelligence, like anything, has its pros and cons.
It is unbiased, easy to work with and trains on demand so there’s a little worry that it won’t be available in the future.
There are also some concerns around the limitations of how machine learning works.. ( Try the Best AI writing tool for free )
A computer can only learn from information given, so if you have personal photos in your posts or misspellings as a result of typing too fast then you may have trouble being found without human interference.
The goal is to make computers more efficient so people can spend their time doing things humans do best. For now, artificial intelligence will not replace good old fashioned writers but it does offer many opportunities for them to succeed!