How to be an Alpha Male: 10 Tips for Dominance and Power

AI With Hariharan
5 min readAug 24, 2022



Do you want to be an alpha male? Do you want to take control and achieve what you want in life? If so, then this article will give you some great tips on how to be the alpha male in any situation you’re in.

Follow them and you’ll soon find that people respect and admire you wherever you go, making your life easier and more enjoyable than ever before!

1) Get Fit

The first step to being an alpha male is to get fit. A strong, powerful body sends a clear message of dominance. Not only will you look better, but you’ll also feel better and have more energy.

Here are some tips for getting started

  1. Do 20–30 minutes of cardio at least three times per week.
  2. Lift weights 3–4 times per week with heavy weights and low reps.
  3. Drink plenty of water every day.
  4. Eat lean protein, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats at every meal (e.g., eggs with avocado).
  5. Get enough sleep so that your muscles can rebuild themselves while you’re sleeping (aim for 7–8 hours per night).
  6. Spend time outdoors in the sun without sunscreen — just make sure not to overdo it!

2) Talk like you’re confident

Never let anyone see you sweat. No matter how hard things get, always keep your cool. This will make you appear more confident and in control.Make eye contact. When you’re talking to someone, look them in the eye.

This shows that you’re confident and present.Be assertive. Know what you want and go after it. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want or take what you want.Be a leader. People are drawn to leaders because they exude confidence.

3) Have strong opinions

If you want to be an alpha male, you need to have strong opinions. Women are attracted to men who are sure of themselves and their beliefs. It shows that you’re confident and that you know what you want. Plus, having strong opinions will make you more interesting to talk to.

You’ll never be bored when you’re around an alpha male! So next time your friends ask you what your opinion is on something, tell them confidently so they can see the powerful man in front of them.

4) Display power poses

You’ve seen it in the movies and on TV: the alpha male walks into a room and everyone takes notice.

He’s the one in charge, the one with the power. If you want to be an alpha male, you need to exude confidence.

And one way to do that is by using power poses. Displaying power poses isn’t as simple as throwing your hands up in the air and yelling Yes! I am powerful! I am strong! These are physical positions that make you look dominant and confident.

5) Dress sharp

When you look sharp, you feel sharp. It’s as simple as that. And when you feel sharp, you project confidence. That’s the key to being an alpha male: confidence. Women are attracted to confident men, and so are employers. If you want to be an alpha male, start by dressing the part. Here are some tips on how to dress sharper, just like an alpha male should.

6) Talk down to others

Are you looking to be the alpha male? The one who’s in charge, the one who everyone looks up to? If so, there are a few things you need to do. First, you need to learn to talk down to others.

This doesn’t mean being rude or disrespectful, but it does mean being confident and assertive. When you’re talking to someone, make sure you’re the one in control. Speak slowly and clearly, and don’t let anyone interrupt you. Second, you need to be physically dominant.

Stand tall and take up space. Make sure your body is relaxed and open, not tense or closed off. And third, you need to exude confidence. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and others will too.

7) Take up space

Alphas take up space. They sit or stand with their legs apart, their arms away from their bodies. They don’t hunch over, they don’t make themselves small. When they walk into a room, they own it. This may sound like simple body language, but it’s actually a way of communicating confidence and power.

You’ll notice that when someone walks in who knows what they’re doing, their first instinct is often to just put themselves somewhere — at the head of the table or in the middle of the floor — instead of shrinking against the wall.

You might think you’re being polite by always giving up your seat on public transit or standing back so others can go first in line.

But if you’re not confident, you’ll come across as tentative, vulnerable and less trustworthy. That’s because non-verbal communication signals are more powerful than what we say aloud.

8) Use first names only

In order to project alpha male energy, you need to be comfortable with who you are.

That means using your first name only. Studies have shown that first names convey more confidence and power than last names.

When you meet someone new, use their first name during introductions, conversation and closings. Start by introducing yourself by your first name so the other person knows how to address you.

If they’re at a loss as to what they should call you (since they don’t know your last name), let them know it’s OK if they just call you John or Lisa in lieu of Mr./Ms./Mrs./Dr., etc. You can also suggest nicknames like John-boy or Lisa-girl which will make them feel more at ease in social settings with strangers

9) Be direct, say what you mean. Say it firmly.

No one wants a wishy-washy man. If you want to be an alpha male, you need to be direct. Say what you mean, and say it with conviction. Be firm in your words and in your actions. Women are attracted to alpha males because they exude confidence. So speak confidently and carry yourself with authority.

10) Stop saying sorry

Saying sorry is a sign of weakness. It’s a way of giving up your power and letting someone else take control. If you want to be an alpha male, you need to learn how to stop saying sorry. Here are 10 tips on how to stop saying sorry and start being an alpha male.
1) Stop apologizing when someone bumps into you or takes something from you
2) Speak up in conversations with your voice as well as with gestures
3) Avoid using phrases like I’m so sorry
4) Don’t say sorry after swearing or cursing at someone
5) Stand tall and make eye contact when addressing people
6) End sentences on a definitive note (i.e., You have nothing) instead of asking questions that require confirmation (Isn’t that right?).


Are you looking to become more alpha? If so, there are a few things you can do to make it happen. Start by establishing dominance over those around you. Be the one in charge, the one who is always in control. Be assertive and confident in your actions and words.

Always be moving forward and taking charge. Be decisive and never let anyone question your authority. Show strength in everything you do, both physically and mentally.

Finally, surround yourself with likeminded individuals who will help support your alpha status. By following these tips, you can easily become the alpha male you’ve always wanted to be.



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