Sneaky ways i do to save money from buying Books

AI With Hariharan
4 min readSep 11, 2022


Credits: Unsplash

Everyone is always looking to save money, and this can often take the form of cutting back on certain expenses. While it’s important to be frugal when you’re living paycheck to paycheck, it’s also essential that you don’t cut back on the most important things — such as your knowledge base.

But how can you continue to learn when each new book costs more than your weekly grocery bill? Luckily, there are several ways to start saving money by not buying books that will allow you to keep up with the learning curve while reducing your financial burden considerably.

( Last method is the method i use the most and i love to ; stick till the end )

Buy Used

I always purchase books used, or wait for a sale. Buying used items is not only a lot cheaper, but it’s also better for the environment.

When you buy new products and clothes, it takes years to wear them out — but when you buy books, they get read within months of being released and then they sit on shelves collecting dust before being tossed into the recycling bin.

When you buy new products, companies take your waste back to their plants where they can reuse what was sent in — but when people are done with their old books, they are never recycled. If there are bookstores near you, it’s worth checking them out!

Buy Second Hand

Buying books can be a huge expense, so don’t wait until you see a book that you want-get it second hand! Of course, sometimes we do want new books. In those cases, take advantage of promotions. Barnes and Noble runs weekly discounts on titles if you are signed up for their email list.

You can also get used books in even better condition on Amazon’s Marketplace if you’re looking for someplace cheaper than the bookstore. But like anything else in life, be mindful about what your needs are and what your budget is before deciding where to buy your next book!

Get From Friends

The easiest way to borrow books without spending any money is borrowing them from friends. Call or text a friend, have them go pick up the book at their library and bring it over.

This will also give you the opportunity to return books that you’ve read on loan. But don’t just rely on your friends, work your own networks too! (Hey Mom! Can you pick me up book at the library? xoxo) If that doesn’t work try checking with teachers who teach courses of interest and ask if they are able to lend out their texts. Lots of libraries have reading clubs where people can request a copy of a book via interlibrary loan if no one in the library has it available for checkout.

Download Ebooks For Free

There are some really great resources that offer free ebooks, or inexpensive ones, and my favorite place to go is the library. My library offers both physical and digital books at no cost with just a card number so there is no excuse not to check it out. They also have a vast selection of books in different genres which makes finding something new an adventure.

I also use sites like BookBub for purchasing discounted ebooks and occasionally this site offers these at the same time as my local bookstore for free shipping. Another strategy I’ve employed has been borrowing some ebooks from friends that never seem to read them but know how much I enjoy reading that certain genre.

Borrow From The Library

Visit your local library. The vast majority of books you will want can be checked out for free and are yours for up to two weeks, meaning that you will have plenty of time to find the book and read it before it’s due back at the library. The best part is that if you find out halfway through the book that you hate it, or end up reading it in a day or two, then you don’t have to buy it! It’s a great way of trying new genres without risk. Plus, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, then libraries usually have databases where they can offer suggestions based on what they think their customers might like.
Take advantage of Amazon Prime’s One-Day Deal.

Read Books Online

One way is using Oyster or Scribd. These two sites allow you to read unlimited books for $10–15 a month, and access hundreds of thousands of books for free. Another way is purchasing the books that you need for a semester at a time and selling them back when you’re done. If the semester goes by and there are still some more books on your list that you need, buy another bundle and use those as needed.

My way..!

As i told at the intro section, nothing much special. What i do is i just download the books pdf mainly academics books like Math, Data sciences from a website called zlib( This is site only work on VPN ). And I used to get print out in other website called onlineprintingz.

For example, I got a book recently.The book named “Python for Data Analysis” by Wes Mckinney which cost 1250 INR / $16( for hardcover 6400INR / $90) in Amazon but i print the whole book just around 450INR with a hardcover at the onlineprintingz which the deliver me at my doorstep within a week.

This is method saves me a ton of money . You can get first copy at the cost of used one. The printing quality is great. This is will help to save students a ton money. I would put the numbers around 60%- 78% of cost cutting…..



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